Monday, June 21, 2010


When I was sitting there watching a game last Monday, memories of the previous World Cup came floating around. I'm still into watching... just no one to watch with as often this time. Last time I watched with my friends from highschool and teachers hahaa. The principal bought a flat screen and placed it in the hall so everyone skipped class to watch the games! It was pdg.

This time I definitely feel older and more mature (SURPRISE!) More surprisingly, it was only 4 years ago when I was still very imature. Especially in the ways I see things and think about them. Last time I watched religiously so I can see more of Cristiano Ronaldo's sexy face =P

But that's not the point here ok? What I meant by more mature and seeing things differently is that my thoughts in general are more structured and not from nonsense. It's a pretty funny and happy feeling when I realized that as I sat there watching the game.

Ronaldo is sexy regardless (bwahahaa), but I find him less attractive this time hmmmm...

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