I can't belive I've been doing all of this every week O_O Part of it is because I wanted to try out new things (ie. new form of worship, hence the gospel choir) and part of it is because once I say I'll go do it, I stick to my guns and do it. And also because I want to learn more. But I really need to stop. I can feel God putting up a huge stop sign in front of me when I start wandering to those meeting places; I felt restless and definitely not at peace. I've been getting soooo drained out and need to pass out on my bed for at least 2 hours everyday. At first I didn't know why, but now I know.
It's very easy to start off with working with God and things just slowly turn into earning God.
There was a retreat (I didn't go) at one of the churches I've been attending. And their theme for retreat was Resting in God. So for the entire long weekend, they only had 2 sessions and most of the time was free time for people to quietly rest in God. That includes physically resting (sleeping) and just not doing anything but just rest and enjoy the presence of God. Being physically tired is a sign that you do need to rest. Have enough rest so that you can be refreshed and rejuvenated to continue to work with God. Now I know exactly why the Sabbath is so important. And this should be the point of retreats as well; to get away from the business (we put ourselves through) and just rest so we can be refreshed.
There were many retreats I used to go to, but from experience, I and everyone else always leave retreat more tired than before going. Not trying to bash retreats or anything, but we tend to forget what the point of retreats is in all the excitment of being around friends. The reason I stopped going to retreats is because I know that I'll die from a lack of sleep due to playing too many GAMES.
Another thing, we get busy because we want to learn more. It is true and I'm not going to deny it, learning more about the Word is a good thing and you can definitely get new insights. But are you really enjoying that time or are you just checking items off from your religious to-do list?Quality quiet time with God is different from CCF, Bible studies, prayer meetings, gospel choir, serving etc. You can't replace dwelling in the presence of God (WOW! How awesome that sounds already!) with CCF gatherings or cell groupsss. It is a 1:1 relationship. You take joy in the complete presence of each other.