MW and I were in DC cafe the past Thursday looking for people to talk to about Jesus Christ. We bought some food so we can sit down with whoever and chat with them while eating. A girl came and was about to sit down behind us but we asked her to come over and sit with us. She said sure with a smile on her face and came over.
We had a pretty good conversation to start and talked about random things about school. I think we both started to get nervous because we weren't getting to the Gospel. And also because we never got to the point with the guy we were talking to right before.
JL walked by and stopped by our table. He was wearing that black sweater with a short reference to a Bible verse (1 Cor 9:24) Lol so we awkwardly brought it up by asking JL (it was actually MW who pointed it out, I just refuse to believe that I'm awkward [sometimes]) Lol.
Anyways we finally got to Jesus. She said she was an atheist but she has a habit of reading random articles about religion. She was quite open to what we had to say and asked us some personal questions about our faith and our experience of God. We shared our testimonies and the first time we were encountered by God. After I finished my testimony, she smiled with her mouth open almost like she was in amazement. I have no idea what was actually going on in her head but I knew what was in mine.
After we left I started thinking about the time when I first met God and knew that He is real. Yes the purpose of that incident was for me to know that God really do exist. But who knew?! Who knew that almost 10 years later that the purpose of that specific incident was for that girl to hear! Who knew!?!? God has some pretty crazy planning going on hahaha =D